Monday, January 24, 2011

Home Away From Home

When first Ganga mentioned about travel I really did not know what to say. I knew he was happy about it but I was confused . Do I quit my job, can I stay away from parents and from familiar surrounding ...questions kept popping up in my head. After months of debating with my myself I decided to quit my job and spend time with my hubby.
With mixed feeling I landed in Edina in July. I was extremly happy to be spending time with my hubby . For a year we just met only on weekends as both of us worked in different cities so spending time with him was what I looked forward to but I really did not know how to spend 8 am to 5 pm everyday.
July being summer when days are really long I started exploring the city . Super Target, Hennepin County Library, Cub Foods, South Dale mall, Blick Art store, Jo-Ann fabrics ,Adam hill park and best of all Cenntenial lake. My apartment is just 3 mins away from this beautiful lake. I could easily spend an hour or so looking at the ducks swimming in the lake, kids playing with there minature boats, old folks strolling around, teenagers jogging, couple cuddling, pets tagging behind the owners , people relaxing with books in hand on the swings in front of the water front, kids being pushed around in thier stroller, sun rays forming weird crazy shinning patterns on the water and also on the glass surface of the tall buildings, manicured golf lawns, beautiful colourfull flowers , local artists playing thier instruments ... it was so Wow!! Every thursday there would be Famer's Market where farmers would set-up stalls and sell thier grow to us directly.No place can beat the freshness of the veggies that you buy there.

A visit to most of these places and cooking was my week day activities and weekend always meant visting places nearby .We would end our weekends by watching a movie in South Dale mall . Ganga and I would run through the shortcuts not wanting to miss the trailers to reach the movie hall 5 mins before the movie started. Ended summer of 2010 by visting Chicago and Madison .
Fall began and it started getting colder .I was worried of house arrest but winter turned out busier with potlucks parties, movie nights ..thanks to netflix! and cooking made me busy all through fall . Winter was harsh but after a while we got used to -20's C and -30's C. Althought I hated going out as dressing in layers would take time it became a routine and a necesscity. Dj party for Diwali,Standing in the line at 5:30 am when temperature was -11 on Thanksgiving , Bowling and dance party in friend's house ..with activties like these months just flewby .
Beautiful place, friends, Ganga's love has me realise that I have found Home Away from Home.
I feel guilty as I am not missing home (Bangalore) ....Nope not even one bit !

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